You should take high blood pressure medicine properly because: That s. Do not stop taking your medicines if your blood pressure is at your goal. Aug 2 20Taking your prescriptions regularly on time keeps your blood pressure at the right level and lessens the intensity of stress put on your heart and kidneys. Taking high blood pressure medicine properly provides you the best , lowering your blood pressure to a healthier level.
You should keep a log with the date, the time of day, and your blood pressure. Feb 0 20Ask your healthcare provider when and how often you should take your BP. Also try measuring blood pressure at about the same time each day.
Do not stop taking your medicine until your doctor says that it is OK. Take your medicines even when your blood pressure comes down even when you do not feel bad. Talking while the cuff is on can boost your blood pressure reading.
Its not always easy to remember to take your blood pressure medication, but its vital that you do: If you have high blood pressure, or hypertension, medications can lower blood pressure and.